October 16, 2008


I'll be taking a vacation from being online for a bit to work on a few things, when I come back I hope to have quite a bit to publish. I hope to have some new stuff to publish @ Lulu, possibly @ dA as well although I'm finding dA to be pretty much useless. I swore I wouldn't do any more calenders as well since they're also pretty much useless, yet, I might do one. Also, have half a thought to find another online merch site, but we'll see. We're also thinking of moving to another place since we don't feel all that comfortable here, something isn't right. I'm not sure what, but something just doesn't feel right. Not enough open space maybe. Although, if we owned this place, we would restore it back to it's original beauty, open it up a bit as well. We've been toying with the idea of heading to Paris (no, not France). I don't know, but we'll see how that pans out I suppose.