March 07, 2008

Basement studio.....

We'll be heading over today to do a little touch up cleaning @ the new flat. To the left is a photo of part of my new underground studio area, needs a little work. This house is about 100+ years old, and I think once reworked a little, it'll be quite nice. On one of the outer walls is an etching of someones initials and a date of April 23rd 1919, it's questionable whether this is legitimate. There is another dated 1911, which is even more doubtful. So far I don't feel anything negative @ this place, like I did when we were working on/moving into the house we're currently still in. Time and time again it's been proven I should listen to my instincts, you would think I would listen to them more often than I do. Oh well, we'll hopefully bounce back. Right now I'm thinking whether or not I should leave the thin carpeting down there, or pull it up and just paint/seal the floor. Hhhmmmmmmm.....